Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Things That Help

At our last support group meeting (for special needs parents) the topic was "Caring for the Caretaker". Oh my, it was GREAT! A suggestion was made to make a list of things that make us feel better or take away stress. I'm sharing my list. Mostly for my own benefit because as the speaker shared, you cannot think of what to do when it gets "bad". If I'm being honest, a good week at our house has a minimum of 1 "bad day".

Things That Help 

  • A hot shower without worry of Libby getting hurt if it's just the 2 of us. 
  • A home cooked meal that I didn't have to cook
  • Going to a movie
  • Going to bed early or taking a nap
  • Chilling watching TV with no other distractions
  • Sewing alone
  • A walk, bike ride, or trip to the gym
  • Going to Target
  • Enjoying a cup of coffee at a coffee shop
  • A pedicure
Now, let's see if I'll remember to look back at these when I am offered a little escape on bad days. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Not a Phase

For two and a half years we have dealt with certain behaviors with Libby. There are times where they almost disappear and times, like now, where they're very present. As she's growing and learning more, she's added more.

Today I have been hit with a fist, palm, and a book. The fist was to the eye and so hard it needed ice. I was spat on, kicked, pinched, and scratched. This is usually accompanied by yelling, growling, mumbling. The majority of this happened in a 30 minute time span.

Days like today are hard. Very hard. I feel inadequate in how to help her learn to not act out her emotions with aggression and anger. I want to know what she's thinking so badly so I can help her and love on her. Right now we still have a communication gap. We're working on it. Communication has improved by leaps and bounds but this specific area of emotions remains a challenge.

I hope and pray we'll have a breakthrough and be able to talk it through, and I pray that it's soon Very, very soon.

I'm clinging to this verse.