Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Didn't I just write about praying for strength and courage? Yep, I sure did. Perhaps God is indeed trying to teach us to rely on Him for both of those things. We're doing our best to continue to pray continually to avoid the funk that keeps trying to pull us in. Often we're in the fake it 'til you make it crowd.

In the last couple months each doctor visit, meeting, evaluation, etc. leaves us feeling like we've been punched in the gut. Sometimes repeatedly. We are blessed to have great teachers, therapists, doctors, and nurses helping us help Libby reach her full potential. Part of that is for them to sometimes deliver news that, for lack of a better phrase, straight up sucks. In almost every case, they feel the hurt and disappointment right alongside us. That helps. Truly it does. Sometimes we hold the tears in until we get to the car and other times we rush to sit/lay on nasty bathroom floors and sob uncontrollably. These pieces of news leave us awake until the wee hours of the morning researching, praying, and double checking to see if we can do anything else to help our little girl.

Bottom line... Libby is still progressing. It may not be at the rate we want, but progress is wonderful. Some things will be tweaked to hopefully help her out. We're thankful, oh so thankful, when plans are put into place after the punches are delivered. Okay, we're here. Let's give this our best shot to help her progress. That does so much good for our souls!

Sometimes when it seems like all we focus on is the negative, we try to fix our minds on the positive and the progress.

Today, Libby ate nearly 1,500 calories and is hovering at 30 pounds. She's gaining the weight back! She was able to control her impuslivity so much better for the hearing screening today despite the frequent mention of impulsivity from the audiologists. It was an improvement though so WIN! She was able to play at a small playground and verbally tell us when she was too hot. She's met some IEP goals this school year and gained a ton of new words, phrases, knowledge, skills, and friends. She has NOT disassembled her hearing aids in almost a week! She voiced that she ONLY wanted the "cute,sparkly Frozen shoes" at the Crocs store. Yep, I caved and bought Crocs because I was so stinkin' proud of how descriptive she was.

For now, I'm off to do a bit more research and spend some time in prayer.

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