Saturday, May 6, 2017

Strength & Courage

I'm claiming this verse for our family. God is faithful and has guided us each step of the way. We don't always listen to Him like we should, but I'm so thankful He doesn't give up on us.

Truth is this journey of parenting a special needs child brings a degree of fear and discouragement. We try super hard to see the positive in everything, but there are times when it's a challenge. We've learned that it's okay to live in the moment, celebrate the victories, cherish each other, and to plan what we can. What we can't plan, we're learning to be okay with. God has used this journey to teach us that not everything has to be mapped out or just so. Our lives probably look like a hot mess, but it's a fun hot mess. HA!

Discouragement is also part of this special needs parenting journey. It just is. Sometimes we don't get results or news that we like to hear. It is hard to swallow and it hurts to the deepest core of our beings. BUT Joy comes in the morning. We're learning to mourn when we receive hard results/news and to do our very best to move on the next day. Our precious girl brings us so much joy that she often pulls us out of that sad place. We are so blessed that she's our girl!

So we will take on each day with as much strength and courage as possible and pray continually for both. We are so thankful for those who support us and pray for us! If you would like, will you help us pray for strength and courage? 

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